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Enhancing the Adoption of Mobile Health Technologies for Persons with Dementia: Innovative Approaches and Strategies

Mobile health technologies have the potential to significantly improve the management of health conditions, including dementia. However, the adoption of mobile health technologies by persons with mild dementia can be challenging due to factors such as cognitive decline and a lack of technological proficiency. In this article, we will explore strategies that can be used to enhance the adoption of mobile health technologies by persons with mild dementia.

In this context the mHealth project’s partnership has proceeded to the development of educational material and a game that will be used for persons with dementia. The team is currently developing the educational material, the second deliverable, that will be used for planned experiential training activities. This material is designed to provide caregivers with the necessary knowledge and skills to care for persons with dementia effectively. The training will be hands-on, and the caregivers will be required to practice the skills they learn in a safe environment.

In addition to the development of the educational material, the team has also started the implementation of the fourth deliverable, which is the game. The game is an innovative approach, as it allows persons with dementia to take on the role of a caregiver of an avatar with dementia. This approach provides a unique perspective on the challenges faced by caregivers and can help increase empathy and understanding. The game is designed to be interactive and engaging, with the aim of providing a fun and informative training experience. The person with dementia will create an avatar with dementia and take on the role of a caregiver, providing care and support to the avatar. This approach will allow persons with dementia to experience the challenges faced by caregivers first-hand, which can help increase their understanding of the condition and improve their ability to provide support and care.

In conclusion, the article highlights the potential benefits of mobile health technologies in improving the management of health conditions, including dementia. However, the adoption of these technologies can be challenging for persons with mild dementia due to cognitive decline and a lack of technological proficiency. To address these challenges, the mHealth project’s partnership has developed strategies aiming to provide hands-on training for caregivers and allow persons with dementia to experience the challenges faced by caregivers first-hand, increasing empathy and understanding.

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