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Training Activity on How to Achieve a Better Financial Stability

Financial Literacy for a quicker Financial Independence is an E+ project that started in 2020, aiming to improve the financial competences and economic knowledge for the successful and stable life of young people. It is a long-term investment into human capital. FinLit is aiming to strengthen young people to gain knowledge and skills on financial literacy through the training programs and e-learning activities.

During the implementation of the first Training Activity, which took place in Greece on January 2022, partners of Poland, Greece and Slovenia had the opportunity to cooperate and carry out joint staff training and to exchange good practices and experiences. The participants gained further knowledge and competencies in the field of financial literacy that renders them able to educate young people with the help of developed tools and e-course. The partners also reviewed the intellectual results developed so far and learnt how to use the platform and the e-course. Their feedback was essential for improvements of the e-courses in order to make them more approachable to the target group. 

During the staff training activity, the participants used less formal methods and approaches that allowed the acquisition of soft skills and language skills. For example, they communicated in a foreign language with partners and as a result many cultural and linguistic barriers were overcome as well as and the fear of public speaking and presentation. 

In addition, training activity was upgraded with workshops which concerned each of the module and with the online speech of a professor of economics at the University of Thessaly Mr. Kleanthis Syrakoylis. The workshops were either online or activities that were designed with the understanding and discussion of the topic in mind. Professor’s speech was about how mathematics and numerical literacy affect financial literacy. Also he referred to the importance of mathematics language in order to understand mathematic problems and furthermore financial issues and real-life problems. In conclusion, the training assisted on the development of the project in order to have the intended results and  to help young people achieve quicker and better financial stability.

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