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EU cohesion policy on your side

Alpha Cyprus participates in a consortium with Aspon Consulting, Innovation Hive and GEInnova in the framework of the “Cohesion Policy stands by you” program which aims to better inform the public about the Cohesion Policy of the European Union.

The program is implemented with a focus on Cyprus with the aim of raising awareness of the local community about the Cohesion Policy, its role in relation to EU priorities, and objectives for improving the quality of life across the EU. The cohesion Policy is the most effective version of the European investment policy. The results of this society have important effects on people’s quality of life, and the economy and promote innovation and the green economy. In other words, hundreds of NGOs support Cohesion Policy and hundreds of thousands of jobs have been created.

European citizens enjoy better quality drinking water, better health services and support in terms of jobs and social inclusion because of Cohesion Policy.

In addition, because of Cohesion Policy, connectivity between regions and countries in Europe has improved through new roads and urban strategies that improve the quality of life of citizens in cities. A significant part of the investments through the various projects concern energy saving and renewable energy production in order to protect the environment and comply with climate policies.

Countries such as Greece, Spain, Portugal and Cyprus have also been supported to align more quickly with the European Economic Community on the basis of geographical, economic and other characteristics.

Thus, this program will provide the public in Cyprus, Spain, Greece and the EU in general with sufficient information on the effects of investments through the Cohesion Policy on people’s lives. During the project, the consortium will carry out specific TV and web actions, while information events and competitions will be organized.

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