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FLY-IN: Addressing Financial Literacy needs of Young NEET women towards their financial Inclusion

On the 25th & 26th of January, the 2nd TPM of the FLY-IN project took place online due the Omicron Strain’s spread of Covid-19. The aim of the meeting was to present the current status of the project and discuss the next steps of the implementation process on IO1, IO2 and IO4. The main topics discussed during the meeting were considering:

Project Management, Dissemination and Evaluation of the Project: The responsible partners informed the consortium about the progress of the management, dissemination and evaluation strategy and if both of them achieved the defined goals by now. Also, the partners agreed to send all the necessary documents to the coordinator in order to complete the interim report of the project.

IO1 – FLY-IN Curriculum: A draft English version of the Curriculum was presented to the partners by the leader of the IO. The IO1 will be finalized by the end of February and the following step is its translation to all partners’ national languages. When the Curriculum and Manual (IO2) will be finalized two pilot testing, one for trainers and one for NEETs youth women, will be organized in each partners’ country in order to validate the quality of the deliverables.

IO2 – FLY-IN Trainer’s Manual: The leader of the IO presented to the partners a draft English version of the Manual. The final version of the manual will be published at the end of March. The partners will translate the Manual in their national language before the pilot testing. IO2 and IO1 will be tested simultaneously by both target groups.

IO4 – FLY-IN eLearning portal: The leader of IO4, unfortunately, informed the partners that the platform has been hacked and it was still in progress. Materials were ready and will be uploaded as soon as the website is active again.  In addition, the partners agreed to develop badged games (e.g. quiz) in order to make the content of the platform and the modules more interactive. The platform will be finalized by the end of March and before the pilot testings.The next activities of the project are the organization of the Training Activity in October 2022 in Cyprus and the 3rd Transnational Meeting in January 2023, in North Macedonia.

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