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Empowering NEET Women Through Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is a crucial skill for individuals to have in today’s society. However, for women who are not in employment, education, or training (NEET), financial literacy can be even more important as it is a significant ability needed to understand and manage one’s finances. One of the main challenges NEET women face is a lack of access to financial services and resources and they may not have access to traditional financial institutions, such as banks or credit unions, or may not know how to use these services. Aligned with the aforementioned, the FinanciaLit4Women project has recognized these needs and has developed a comprehensive financial literacy curriculum/handbook specifically for NEET women.

The curriculum and handbook, which is available in four different languages (English, Estonian, French and Greek), is designed to develop the necessary skills and competencies of NEET women so that they can better understand various financial concepts, recognize financial risks and opportunities, and make informed financial decisions. The curriculum also aims to strengthen the confidence of NEET women in financial matters, which in turn will enhance their equal participation in modern society and civic life.

One of the key innovations of the FinanciaLit4Women project is the use of games and mobile apps as a means of delivering the curriculum and handbook to NEET women. The project has developed a series of interactive games, including an online game, a mobile app, a role-playing handbook, and a board game, all of which are designed to make learning about financial literacy more engaging and fun for NEET women. These games are based on the needs assessment conducted by the project and are specifically targeted to meet the needs of NEET women.

The online game, available at, allows NEET women to learn about financial concepts through a series of interactive challenges and activities. The mobile app, available at, provides NEET women with access to financial literacy resources and information on-the-go. The role-playing handbook, available at, allows NEET women to practice decision-making in a simulated environment. The board game, available at, provides a fun and interactive way for NEET women to learn about financial concepts.

The curriculum and handbook were developed through a thorough needs assessment that identified the specific financial literacy issues faced by NEET women. These are designed to help NEET women develop the necessary skills and competencies to understand various financial concepts, recognize financial risks and opportunities, and make informed financial decisions. By strengthening their confidence in financial matters, the curriculum and handbook aim to enhance NEET women’s equal participation in modern society and civic life.

In conclusion, this project represents a significant step forward in improving the financial literacy of NEET women. The combination of the curriculum and handbook, along with the series of games and mobile apps, provides NEET women with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to manage their finances effectively. The project is a valuable resource for NEET women and for anyone who works with or supports NEET women. Helping women achieve financial stability and independence is not only important for them but also for the overall well-being of the society.

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