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Design of participatory intergenerational learning for social cohesion project.

Nowadays we are witnessing a massive increase in digital multimedia devices. Younger people are easily adapting to this technological era in contrast to the elderly that seem to have a harsh time familiarizing themselves with the general meaning of technology and therefore using it, which as a result creates a digital exclusion but also a social isolation.

Flourish centers is a project aiming to bridge the distance that has been created between elderly adults and online society through intergenerational learning interventions. The project’s goal is to promote social cohesion in order to reduce ageism. As it is known culture acts as a binding factor among communities and having realized that Flourish project intents to use it for a long-term interaction between generations. The goal is to inspire younger people to willing cooperate with disadvantaged elderly adults, adobe the age of 65, so that a cultural heritage product can be structured. The foundation for a more cohesive as well as inclusive society is the creation of an environment of knowledge and skill exchange.

The project has three project results. First one the Online Learning Platform led. “FLOURISHING” which is meant to train and familiarize with the topic, second one is the  FLOURISH CENTERS: Intergenerational Cultural Affinity Spaces where elderly and youngers can meet each other and interact and third one the FLOURISH: Living virtual experiences (LIVE) exhibition.

Innovation Hive will have a role of significance in the project since they participate throughout the entire project result development and dissemination activities. Moreover, they will lead the Project result 3, FLOURISH: Living virtual experiences (LIVE) exhibition and in addition to that they are responsible for the development of the project’s branding concept and website.

The kickoff meeting took place online on the 13th and 14th of January. During the meeting partners got to familiarize themselves with each other and began to share their ideas and thoughts for the project’s evolution.

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