NewsApril 8, 2023ShareTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLinkFinal Results of PR2- WINComp: Workplance Innovation Manager professional profile & training curriculum
NewsMarch 28, 2023ShareTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLinkEmpowering Digital Citizenship: The DiSC Project Enhancing Digital Security Competences for Elderly Citizens
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NewsMarch 6, 2023ShareTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLinkRESPO X: Revolutionizing Education through Innovative Technology
NewsMarch 6, 2023ShareTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLinkSocial Inclusion of Women Through Global Competencies: The ADVANCE Project
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NewsMarch 3, 2023ShareTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLinkCreating a Mercury-Free City: The LIFE MERCURY-FREE Project’s Approach to Complex Awareness Raising and Behavior Change
NewsMarch 2, 2023ShareTwitter-newFacebookShare-emailLinkYERAME: Promoting Youth Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas of the Mediterranean Region