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The Academy of Youth Worker 2 is a continuation of a prior endeavor called “Academy of Youth Worker,” which was successfully completed and in which a plan was developed for working with youth. This  project’s target group will be: youth leaders, youth educators from organizations, heads of youth organizations who want to increase their knowledge and skills. The ultimate goal of this project is to support youth organizations in Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, and Macedonia as they build their institutions in the areas of online tools, finances, and marketing. It also aims to create a specific network between youth and youth institutions in our regions, promote the programs offered by youth organizations, and encourage young people to join them. 

This will be accomplished by: 

  • Enhancing the knowledge and skills of young leaders and youth organizations regarding the usage of online resources.
  • Enhancing their knowledge and abilities regarding the development of financial and marketing plans and their actual application.

The project’s objectives have been defined by partners to improve youth leaders’ and youth organizations’ abilities to use the tools and develop financial and marketing plans. The project’s goals also include using efficient channels of communication with stakeholders, a variety of promotion strategies tailored to the requirements of young people, and the use of alternative financial management techniques.The anticipated project results will be:

  •  Academy of Youth Worker 2 Program with pilot trainings and best practices 
  •  Youth Organization virtual escape room with case studies

Innovation Hive will have a role of significance in the project since they participate throughout the entire project result development and dissemination activities. In addition to that, will create a dissemination plan for the project to make sure the appropriate dissemination and promotion will be made.

The project has already started with a lot of excitement form all the partners. The kick – off was held in the beautiful town of Lodz located in Poland. All the partners had the opportunity to meet each other and arrange the first steps of the implementation. 

Last but not least, the project is anticipated to have a significant influence on several levels. First and foremost, the project’s actions will inspire and motivate young entrepreneurs and youth leaders to succeed and secondly, encourage young individuals to enter the entrepreneurial sector. Sustainability is another factor that is included in project’s concerns.

For more information visit the projects website: And follow us on social media:

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