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Project Description

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, even companies that used to be “digitally lazy” will now have to step up their digital capacity: Video conferencing, document sharing, cloud solutions, information security, etc. The result will be a steep learning curve. Leaders who have shied away from allowing people to work from home will notice that some are getting more productive if they can work in their own environments. All of this could lead to a shift in mindset and pave the way for massive digitalization efforts in the years ahead. This effort needs to be carried out transnationally,in the spirit and the values on which EU is funded.

Within this framework, WIN project will directly address the needs and challenges that companies, SMEs and organizations face in their efforts to manage and promote workplace innovation by introducing the professional profile of the Workplace Innovation Manager. WIN project visualizes the role of the Workplace Innovation Manager as an internal knowledge hub that will be able to spread concepts on ideas management, design thinking and innovation capabilities throughout the organization.


WIN project is to directly support the primary target group to achieve workplace innovation: SMEs & organizations, by introducing and developing the job profile of the Workplace Innovation Manager by developing the relevant competency framework along with a specialized curriculum and training material.

Moreover, the project encourage a proactive approach and highlight the major role managers can play in managing and promoting workplace innovation within their organizations. Furthermore, WIN project upgrade the skills and competences of managers and employees of European SMEs, enabling them to successfully and effectively promote workplace innovation and provide a holistic framework regarding the new professional profile of the Workplace Innovation Manager at a European level.

Our Role

Innovation Hive will be participating in all project results and is responsible for the development of the project’s dissemination plan and the implementation of dissemination activities. Also, Innovation hive will lead the PR3: Workplace Innovation Manager VET training course and pilots and the PR5:Development of the e- WIN Platform.

Project Partners



🇸🇮 Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja, Maribor



🇩🇪 IP-International GmbH Creative Corporate Training

🇸🇮 Savinjsko-šaleška gospodarska zbornica

🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge EOOD

🇭🇺 Magyar-Bolgár Gazdasági Kamara

Project’s Social

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project ID2021-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000032959Website
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