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Project Description

TrainChain(Blockchain Training for Start-Ups) is a response to the needs of Start-ups across Europe to provide training and development opportunities to their, often young and inexperienced, staff. Nowadays, SMEs s confront several problems in the business economy, many of them face barriers in entering trade markets, transactions, data storage, cash flow and security but also for efficiently protecting IP. With the use of Blockchain technology these challenges can be faced . The international consortium of TrainChain aims to create a personalized environment that will deliver strategies and actions that need to be adopted by learners to learn how to effectively use this technology. The actions will be focused on two main fields that blockchain technology that could be used IoT and finances.


TrainChain project aims is to provide the target group with new possibilities, motivations, to increase the desire and competencies to learn and to develop some business ideas. The project’s educational and training system will enhance the trainees’ competencies in managing their learning. and their business idea, increasing their knowledge in different areas. the ability to transfer and adapt research in specific sectors, in the global world market for the benefit of their local community.

Our Role

Our role in the TrainChain project consists on the contribution in reports and the dissemination. In addicition, Innovation Hive will lead PR3 which is the Trainers Induction along with CCSDE. Dissemination :We’re responsible for dissemination and promotion plan + creation of leaflets.

Project Partners







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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Project ID2021-1-IE01-KA220-VET-000032943WebsiteTo be updatedStart1/1/2022Finish1/1/2024Share
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