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Project Description

TIPS project will give priority to support parents of children with autism by developing their basic skills and key competences needed to help their children improve their social skills and be accepted, socially included, make friends,find a job and buil their future. Therefore, parents will be involved in this project, through which they will learn how to teach their children with autism social skills by using an evidence-based procedure and two digital tools. TIPS project will support parents to start early in their children’s
life to curtailing problematic behaviors and foster communication and social skill growth through digital games and comic strips, a motivating and attractive learning means.TIPS project will involve adult educators in a short-training to train them on how to use the Educational Package, which will include a TIP Curriculum, a digital Game, interactive comic strips, all incorporated into an e-learning platform. The key priority of this project is to improve and extend their competences in using the TIP as an effective practice to teach social
skills. Through this international cooperation, each partner institution will become more systematic and educators can acquire skills gathered from the experience of others.


For the adult educators : professional development in GBL as an effective educational methodology, development of skills and competences to teach social skills, acquisition of new teaching procedures (TIP) , access to an innovative Educational package on social skills though digital means, increase their capacity to build their own courses and strategies on any subject and to integrate them in the already approved curricula, improved digital skills. For parents of children with autism: Skills and competence acquisition in teaching social to their children with autism through digital tools and TIP, reduction of difficulty in communication with their children through games, positive impact on well-being and quality of life of the family, increase their confidence related to raising their children with ASD. For children with ASD: Acquire new social skills, improve their communication skills , improve play skills , improve digital skills ,learn how to act in different situations,their social inclusion will be improved

Our Role

Contribution in the identification of the skills that educators and parents need for educating their ASD children (analysis), contribution in the content of the curriculum to be integrated in the e-platform, translation of the content, contribution in the final tuning of the output and feedback. Desk research on similar game based learning platform and best practices, game design and development, contribution in the development of content, translation of the output and content, piloting and feedback, improvement phase to finalization. Contribution to the content development of the learning scenarios, feedback and improvement. Contribution in the platform design, translation of the content, testing of the platform.


Project Partners








Project’s Social

To be updated…

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project ID2021-1-DK01-KA220-ADU-000033492Website
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