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Project Description

Financial Literacy for a quicker Financial Independence is an E+ project, aiming to improve the financial competences and economic knowledge for the successful and stable life of young people. It is a long-term investment into human capital.

Erasmus+ project, Financial Literacy for a quicker Financial Independence has a very important mission. We aim to improve the financial competences and economic knowledge for the successful and stable life of young people.- Why? In 2019 European Union recorded 3.3 million jobless/unemployed young people. Economic and social exclusion go hand in hand. How can we change this? If we borrow a saying from B. Franklin: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”.


FinLit is aiming to strengthen young people to gain knowledge and skills on financial literacy through the training programs and e-learning activities. In order to achieve this, the project and partner organizations will support youngsters to develop their critical thinking, self-assessment competences and new different learning strategies. New techniques and strategies will focus on young people in order to understand financial issues and improve their financial skills.

Our Role

Innovation Hive is participating in all IOs as well as will be leading the dissemination activities within the project’s lifecycle. Moreover will be responsible for the technical development of the e-learning platform.

Project Partners

🇸🇮 Mladinski kulturni center Maribor (MKC)



🇵🇱 Fundacja Europejski Istytut Outsourcingu


Project’s Social

Linkedin Twitter Youtube


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project ID2020-2-SI02-KA205-015590Website
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