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Respo X

RESPO X project is intended to exchange good practices in the development of skills using the RESPO X online tool, which supports students in their decisions for the selection of the most optimal training based on their individual educational needs related to future jobs.
The project RESPO X uses an innovative measuring system that will enable effective training to fill the skill gaps and applies different algorithms to find the tailor-made best-suited training course for each individual. In addition, the project will also focus on the improvement of STEM and environmental sustainability-related competences of students.


Students: The proposed activities will increase personal and professional competences and skills of students to become efficient professionals at future jobs after completing their studies, which will contribute to European Agenda Skills (ICT and STEM skills).
Staff: The RESPO app will contribute to assessing training and lecturer performance to be prepared to engage the fourth industrial revolution. Through the feedback, they will have an opportunity to enhance their communication and digital skills.
Participating institutions: The expert system will be publicly available. The transfer of the expert system to other areas of education will be relatively simple, it will also support a wide range of education institutions and students worldwide. In this way, the impact will also provide realistic opportunities to other fields of learning and education.
Business: The project results will minimize the skills gaps of the future workforce, and thus significantly contribute to increased employability, especially with adequate skilled personal, which will suit the future working place and business needs.
Policymakers : we will maximise the impact of the project and ensure the continuous dissemination of the project
outcomes beyond the project’s lifetime.

Our Role

Innovation Hive is contributing to the collection of the database of STEM and social skills and competencies to be embedded in the RESPO X application, while being actively involved in the testing, reviewing and improving the app.
We are leading the development of the RESPO X Handbook on Policy Recommendations based on the validation of the RESPO X app and the successful transdisciplinary training practices, containing interesting EU policies, instructions on how to use the app, and insights from the different stages of the app testing.
Innovation Hive is co-leading the project’s activities, responsible to promote and maximize the project’s impact.

Respo X

Project Name: Revolution of E-Skills with Participatory Online eXpert

Project ID: 2021-1-SI01-KA220-HED-000027626

Start Date: 01/01/2022

End Date: 31/12/2023




🇸🇮 Mednarodni institut za implementajico trajnostnega razvoja, Maribor





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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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