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The outbreak of COVID-19 has significantly affected all aspects of life across Europe. In addition to threatening our health, the pandemic is also posing serious challenges to our socio-economic systems, affecting more and more the entrepreneurship field. The pandemic has hit women particularly hard in several aspects, and women’s participation in the labor market is no exception. The European Commission recognises that women entrepreneurship in general, and especially that of young women, and small businesses are a key source of jobs, business dynamism and innovation, so that promoting young women entrepreneurship has been identified as a clear objective for the development and improvement of the European economy. The project is conceived as a tool to promote and reboot young women entrepreneurship against unemployment, entry barriers of the sector through the digital training of people in entrepreneurial skills and exchange of good practices.


1.Design of an effective strategy for the dissemination, guidance and motivation of young women to become managers and to start their own social enterprises;

2.Design of innovative and quality training contents so that young women who receive this training are capable of raised awareness communication in SE, learning SE dimension, startup, management, administration, etc, social and civic competences, in SE context, SE initiative and entrepreneurship, social awareness and expression in SE, ethical values, sustainable development and good governance;

3.increased attainment rates in lifelong learning process;

4.increased awareness about gender equality in business life, self confidence, soft-skills for young women entrepreneurs;

5.gained perspectives from young women employers, training organizations and relevant post-secondary administrators on transversal skills and social enterprises knowledge and practices.

Our Role

Innovation Hive will actively participate in all project implementation creating educational materials related to Creative thinking, social innovation, green competences as a factor of improvement and being leader partner organization for the Social Media Strategy and Multiplier & Sustainability Plan.


Project Name: BUSINESS ORIENTED YOUNG WOMEN: how to support and empower their entrepreneurial competences

Project ID: 2021-2-DK01-KA220-YOU-000050066

Start Date: 01/03/2022

End Date: 01/03/2024


🇩🇰 Connect4


🇵🇹 NRightchallenge -Associação



🇨🇾 Wisefour


🇪🇸 Gestión Estratégica e Innovación SL

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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