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Green skills have to be functional and set in the context of the real world. While digital skills are generally well understood, there is no accepted definition of green skills. Generic skills such as autonomy and communication skills are critical as well as generic green skills in such
areas as waste reduction, energy and resource efficiency. There are new occupations emerging, such as builders working with sustainable materials and methods. Specialized green skills can transform existing occupations but, in most cases, they need to top up existing
profiles. Automation and digitalisation affect all jobs. They bring fast change to our labour markets, integrating them with international markets and global value chains. They bring new opportunities but also affect existing business.
Within this framework, the main objective of the DG-VET project will be to develop a new innovative form of training material along with a gamified e-learning platform and a methodology for designing and implementing acceleration programs for potential young entrepreneurs and apprentices that will empower VET organizations/trainers throughout Europe by enabling them to support:
– young/women NEETs living in rural areas in developing and enhancing their digital and green
– their (self) employment in the two rapidly developing sectors of Digital and Green economy.


DG-VET is aiming to also support young / women from rural areas to develop their basic and advanced digital and green skills in order for them to improve their position and employability within the relevant economy sectors. Furthermore, the project will aim to tackle the digital divide phenomenon, specifically, the gap between those living in rural areas and those living in cities in access to ICT, the skills mismatch between job requirements and workers’ skills within DaGE sectors and the lack of policy engagement in the promotion and implementation of supportive youth-oriented VET programs.


Our Role

Our organization will be participating in all project results, lead the Project Result 2 “Agriculture 4.0: Equipping young NEETs with basic & advanced digital and green skills” and the Activity 2 from Project Result 4 about the development of the E2E matchmaking tool & acceleration program methodology and guidelines. Also, Innovation Hive is the responsible partner for the development of the project’s Dissemination Plan & implementation of dissemination activities.


Project Name: Innovative training material and methodology to support the development of marketable digital and green skills of NEET youth from rural areas to empower their employability

Project ID: 2021-1-BE01-KA220-VET-000035895

Start Date: 01/02/2022

End Date: 01/02/2024




🇪🇸 Neotalentway





🇧🇬 Balkan Bridge EOOD

🇦🇹 LEVILO – Verein für ökologische und soziale Nachhaltigkeit

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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