Youth in EU needs tools, networking, best practices and competences to realize their potential. In partner countries, we have identified that youth are in general reluctant to engage in a collaboration outside local environment and connect more, share ideas and information via experience exchange, which is a basis for COHERENT. The project’s main objective is to increase youth participation in civic life related to the youth goals, to foster cross-border mobility and increase youth cooperation in projects. With COHERENT, partners demonstrate structured and coordinated networking, acquisition of innovative and specialized competences for youth, by empowering them to participate strongly in decision-making process to be heard, and enable them to create much more efficient cooperative solutions and project, to use their full potential for our common future. The goal is to empower youth, make them more informed and aware about opportunities in civic participation, democratic life, sustainability, inclusiveness and prepare them for their life.
COHERENT project’s activities are foreseen to have the following short and long-term results:
- improved competences in democratic values, solidarity, sustainability, digital skills
- increased ability in decision-making
- increased confidence and avoid “landing” in social exclusion or below the poverty line
- increased enthusiasm and motivation to improve personal life and get involved in civic participation
- opportunities to connect to youth organizations, NGOs, decision-makers, strengthen collaboration
- opportunities to collaborate with peers in joint projects
- improving language skills and cultural diversity
- increased enthusiasm for new professional areas, increasing employment opportunities
Our Role
Innovation Hive will be contributing to all project’s activities and work packages. More specifically, our organization will be leading the following activities: WP1- state-of-the-art with national report, surveys, WP2 – leading and developing the KH, WP3 – contributing to the development of content of the modules, contributing to e-textbooks (translations), preparing youth to mobility, WP4 – organizing and contributing to stakeholders engagement, WP5 – contributing to policy toolkit, contributing to dissemination with e.g. social media, media, articles, publications, info-sharing.
Project Name: A Circle Of youth for tHe EuRope wE want
Project ID: 624600-EPP-1-2020-1-SI-EPPKA3-EU-YTH-TOG
Start Date: 15/05/2021
End Date: 14/11/2022
Youth Cultural Centre Maribor (Mladinski kulturni center, Maribor)
International institute for implementing sustainable development
Projects for Europe PFE
AREGAI cultural association
Municipality of Larissa
Association for Sustainable Future
Local Government of Nagykanizsa
Environmental and cultural Association “Permacultura Cantabria”
Focus Eco Center
Entrepreneurship Institute
Eurasia Youth Development Association
Center for Sustainable Industrial Development
Olemisen Balanssia ry
International institute for implementing sustainable development
Projects for Europe PFE
AREGAI cultural association
Municipality of Larissa
Association for Sustainable Future
Local Government of Nagykanizsa
Environmental and cultural Association “Permacultura Cantabria”
Focus Eco Center
Entrepreneurship Institute
Eurasia Youth Development Association
Center for Sustainable Industrial Development
Olemisen Balanssia ry
Project's Social: to be updated
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