Boost Train Retain
We are facing a very important challenge starting with the las year. Strategies, tools and skills required, like the resilience, flexibility and adaptability became a very essential aspects in this period. This fact is remarkable in all the sectors, especially in the economic one. Here it is important to notice that old strategies and skills are giving place to new ones, in a context where even the concept of intelligence or competence (the capacity, knowledge or ability we acquire to solve a problem) has changed. And obviously, this has affected the working world, independently of the field we are referring to. The HR departments and the coaches and trainers are obliged to develop new skills and strategies for a new social and work environment. Here is the place for Emotional Intelligence (EI), and extra weapon to keep and increase the levels of adaptability in a new economic and social scenario without losing the rank of productivity and without increasing the levels of stress, anxiety and depression that have been manifested in the lives of many people. Studies have found that high EI in organizations is associated with increased productivity, higher engagement levels, lower turnover and increased sense of wellbeing. According to Goleman´s theory, the 80 to 90% of the competencies that differentiate high-performing persons from average-performing persons can be found in the EI domain.
The project plans to show the importance of the application of Emotional Intelligence tools, skills and strategies for workers, personal of HR department and trainers. The project will have a double line of intervention: one with the workers and HR departments and the other one with the HR departments and trainers, looking for the necessity of vertical and horizontal communication with a common goal.
Our Role
Leaders of WP4- Training Week
Boost Train Retain
Project Name: Contract, train and retain the best talent
Project ID: KA220-ADU-000089073
Start Date: 01/09/2022
End Date: 31/08/2024
La Conseil
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