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Τhe “ArcH App” project argues that European architectural heritage, intertemporally present in our urban contexts, constitutes a common reference point for the inhabitants of cities across Europe, capable of inspiring young people to reflect upon “what makes us European”, as well as upon the privileges and responsibilities deriving from our shared values. Regarding heritage buildings as powerful examples of intercultural exchange at both European and international level, the project intends to promote active citizenship and civic participation, by leveraging the potential of youth as a social multiplier. Through the manifold activities proposed by the project, young people of various sociocultural backgrounds supported by their youth workers, become familiar with the buildings’ historic and cultural value, and, subsequently, aware of the multiple challenges these buildings are currently facing. Addressing digital transformation through development of digital readiness, resilience and capacity at the same time, “ArcH App” acknowledges the necessity of advanced digital skills in a Digital Era, it proposes to upgrade the digital proficiency level of youth worker participants, so as to include the development of digital tools for a social purpose. The project proposes to both participants and independent users an enriched learning experience through interactive digital maps giving access to digital guided visits to selected heritage buildings around the participating cities. Furthermore, aiming to connect its key concepts and thematics with real-life needs in the corresponding communities, “ArcH App” offers youth workers of various fields of practice the opportunity to update and enrich their digital know-how regarding the functions and uses of mobile applications for supporting their youth groups in the co-creation of an alert mobile platform that will efficiently promote and protect built heritage.


At the local, regional, and national levels, the project’s methodology ensures a high potential impact through the creation of policy impact reports and communities of practice. The project also sensitizes young people and youth organizations to the cultural and social value of built heritage and their responsibility towards it. Through co-creating the ‘Building alert,’ they become ambassadors for key values supported by the project and transfer these focal points permanently into their environment. The ArchApp project also has a European and international impact, with resources translated into partners’ national languages for easier distribution and increased impact. Ultimately, the project’s ambassadors will serve as role models and inspiration for other young people and facilitate their overall social integration. Finaly, the ArchApp project has a significant impact on its partners, with benefits that extend beyond just the project itself. Partners will enhance their existing capacities and gain expertise in promoting environmental and climate change awareness and green sectoral skill training among young people and youth organizations. They will also broaden their networks through dissemination activities and develop new international cooperation with like-minded organizations.

Our Role

Innovation Hive leads the WP4, activity A4.3 organizes roundtables with youth workers and young participants in order provide both generic and locally-specific functional requirements that theWP should meet. Moreover, the organization leads the A4.5 activity where the beta app will be will be tested by local target groups. In addition, Innovation Hive created social media accounts and visual components of the project boosting further , ArchAp’s dissemination.


Project Name: Digitalising Youth Awareness of the European Built Heritage

Project ID: 2022-1-FR02-KA220-YOU-000085732

Start Date: 31/12/2022

End Date: 30/12/2024








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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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