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FinanciaLit4Women: “Completion of IO2: Financial Literacy Digital Game”

The financial literacy refers to the understanding of what is needed to achieve a lifestyle that is financially balanced, sustainable, ethical and responsible. One of the goals of “FinanciaLit4Women” project is to enhance the following financial skills of NEETs women

  • Budgeting
  • Saving money
  • Controlling spending
  • Handling mortgage and other debt
  • Participating in financial markets
  • Planning for retirement
  • Successfully accumulating wealth

through the access to the developed digital educational toolkits.

Innovation Hive is the leader partner of the digital education toolkit named “IO2: Financial Literacy Digital Game”. The aim of this output is to create an innovative online educational game (Serious/Digital Game) in order to advance the skills, promote and motivate in a playful manner the learners (NEET women) for developing Financial Literacy skills, achieving the greatest positive impact, through the use of a digital game-based environment. It will give the opportunity among other innovative features to present multimedia content, simulate processes and structured stories/scenarios.

The digital construction of the game is divided to the below main areas:

  • Registration section: A place where users add their personal information
  • Main Environment: The learners have the opportunity to access the game and create their character
  • Game section: Structured questions with the aim to equip the learners with the basic financial management skills are developed and they follow difficulty levels etc. 
  • Award system: This award the completion of the different levels of knowledge gained in each level of the game

During June, Innovation Hive with the contribution of all partners completed the online educational game and its mobile application. You can find the online digital game here: and the mobile application here:

By now, you can play our game in English version. However, stay tuned for Greek, French and Esthonian versions which will be able the end of July. Enjoy!!!

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