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Empowering Older Adults: The DiSC Project Enhances Digital Skills and Security Competences

In an increasingly digital world, where technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, it is essential that everyone, including older adults, has the necessary digital skills to participate fully in society. Recognizing this need, the DiSC (Digital Skills for Senior Citizens) project was launched with the objective of supporting older individuals in acquiring and developing basic digital skills and competences. After two years of dedicated implementation, the project has successfully achieved its goals, empowering senior citizens to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and security.

More specifically a cornerstone of the DiSC project, the Framework of Digital Security Competences provides an effective method to assess, maintain, and monitor the knowledge, skills, and attributes of older adults in cybersecurity. By identifying the specific areas where individuals may be vulnerable, the framework allows for targeted interventions and personalized training programs to enhance digital security.

The DiSC project also introduced a user-friendly Digital Security Benchmarking Tool, empowering senior citizens to assess their own level of digital security competency. This interactive tool enables individuals to identify areas for improvement, track their progress, and set personal goals. By providing actionable feedback and recommendations, the benchmarking tool encourages continuous learning and development in the realm of digital security.

Engaging and educational, the DiSC Digital Board Game is a significant contribution to the project’s objectives. This digital adaptation of a classic turn-based board game offers a fun and interactive learning experience for older adults. Players navigate through a virtual world, answering questions, making choices, and overcoming challenges related to digital security. Through gameplay, participants reinforce their understanding of digital skills and develop strategies for safe online practices.

To ensure the effectiveness of the project, the DiSC consortium conducted extensive piloting phases throughout its implementation. The resulting Digital Security for Senior Citizens Piloting and Impact Assessment Report provides a comprehensive evaluation of the piloting process, along with scientific and technical insights. Furthermore, the report includes policy recommendations based on the findings, helping stakeholders and policymakers formulate strategies to further support and protect senior citizens in the digital realm.

The completion of the DiSC project marks a significant milestone in the endeavor to bridge the digital divide among older adults. By providing a comprehensive framework, benchmarking tool, educational game, and insightful assessment report, the project has enabled senior citizens to acquire and develop vital digital skills and competences. This empowering initiative not only equips older adults with the necessary tools to navigate the digital landscape safely but also promotes their active participation in the digital society. The DiSC project serves as a testament to the positive impact that collaborative efforts and innovative solutions can have on improving the lives of senior citizens in an increasingly digital world.

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