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Completion of STREM: Stressless Employees project

Two years have nearly passed since the launch of STREM: Stressless Employees Erasmus+ project and after a successful life circle, the project comes to an end.

An overview of what was accomplished these two past years.

IO1-Report on the Wellbeing of the employees in the European countries

IO2-Employee Satisfaction Officer profile and training curriculum

IO3-Employee Satisfaction Officer Training Course and Pilots

IO4-Handbook and manual for Employee Satisfaction Officers

Specifically, partners from Germany, Greece, Spain, Romania, Italy, Cyprus worked together for the implementation of the above-mentioned deliverables but their obligations were not restricted only in these tasks. They managed to communicate efficiently and determine the project’s objectives and work towards them. Common decisions were made in every step of the implementation process.

Regular online meetings and transnational face to face gatherings served this purpose and gave the opportunity to partners to get to know each other and collaborate more proficiently in terms of project management, development and dissemination of project’s results.

The first outcome of the project Report on the Wellbeing of the employees in the European countries resulted after a field and desk research in every partner country concerning the wellbeing in the workplace and after an evaluation process of the findings, the State of the Art on Work Well-being was prepared and released.

In continuation, the competences that the Work Well-being Manager should have were defined, which led to the creation of a tailor made training curriculum, flexible to adjust to every country, according to the legislation, society’s standards, describing the 2nd outcome, Employee Satisfaction Officer profile and training curriculum.

The following step was the creation of a VET training content and the implementation of pilot testings to future managers, to evaluate the materials developed and improve them, to reach the project’s objectives. (Employee Satisfaction Officer Training Course and Pilots)

The results that emerged from these actions were successful, according to participants’ testimonies leading to the creation of the Handbook and manual for Employee Satisfaction Officers, reaching larger audiences and including remarks and feedback that came from the pilot testing.

The general feeling is that the project managed to reach its goals and create great collaboration between the partnership. All project’s deliverables are available on the project’s official website in English and in partner language.

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