Participation is a fundamental right. Through active participation, young people are empowered to play a vital role in their own development as well as in that of their communities, helping them to learn vital life-skills, develop knowledge on human rights and citizenship and to promote positive civic action. To participate effectively, young people must be given the proper tools, such as information, education about and access to their civil rights.
What is the perception of young people about politics in Greece? Do they participate? Are they informed? Do they think it is necessary to have a place in policy-making processes in order to reflect the pulse, concerns and needs of youth? Based on the aforementioned questions and within the framework of the Coherent project, students of the University of Thessaly participated in a dialogue-debate entitled ‘Open Dialogue Session’ on November 8, 2022, in order to take a position on the practice of politics in our country, to reflect, with the ultimate goal of emphasizing that no one can represent young people better than themselves.
In the meantime, on the 9th and 10th of November 2022, in Maribor, Slovenia, the last transnational meeting of the Coherent project took place, as well as the final conference, events at which an assessment of the achievement of the project’s objectives was made and the final results were presented and reviewed. This marked the successful conclusion of the project, with the partners committing themselves to continue to promote through their actions the basic principles of Coherent: interconnection, empowerment and participation of young people in the socio-political arena.
Feel free to navigate at Coherent project’s website: , and explore the developed educational material, through a simple and quick registration to the project’s e-learning platform: