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EnFinCap project reflects the real challenges in the labor market and policy directives, as well as the real needs of women “micro” entrepreneurs, that we noticed in previous surveys and interviews with them. The project goals are designed to create positive effects for individuals, as well as for the organizations and other stakeholders involved. The goal of EnFinCap is to empower women micro-entrepreneurs with competencies, knowledge and self-confidence to take responsibility for their lives and create a secure future for themselves and their families.


1.Design of an effective strategy for the dissemination, guidance and motivation of young women to become managers and to start their own social enterprises;

2.Design of innovative and quality training contents so that young women who receive this training are capable of raised awareness communication in SE, learning SE dimension, startup, management, administration, etc, social and civic competences, in SE context, SE initiative and entrepreneurship, social awareness and expression in SE, ethical values, sustainable development and good governance;

3.increased attainment rates in lifelong learning process;

4.increased awareness about gender equality in business life, self confidence, soft-skills for young women entrepreneurs;

5.gained perspectives from young women employers, training organizations and relevant post-secondary administrators on transversal skills and social enterprises knowledge and practices.

Our Role

Our role in the EnFinCap project consists on the contribution in the realization of the desk and field research on the competencies of women micro entrepreneurs in the beauty and wellness industry in Greece, and the preparation of the respective national reports. Furthermore, InnoHive actively contributes to the development of the micro-training sessions, for the respective topic of Digitalization in business.
Innovation Hive is leading the development of the project’s digital solutions, the EnFinCap website and e-platform, which will host interesting related to the project information, accomplished milestones, the developed training materials in the form of micro training sessions, and will provide a forum for discussion for interested users.


Project Name: Entrepreneurship and financial capacity building for women micro entrepreneurs in the beauty and wellness sectors.

Project ID: 2021-1-SI01-KA220-VET-000034638

Start Date: 01/01/2022

End Date: 30/06/2023


🇸🇮 Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja



🇦🇹 GmbH


🇸🇮 Regional Chamber of Craft and Small Business


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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